Lucky on B

168 Avenue B NY NY 10009 • Noon-4am

Happy Spring!

Uh-oh. We haven’t updated this page since January. OOPS! Things get busy. And we’re constantly updating our Events page and Facebook as well. This page seems a bit redundant! That said, we do have some news!

We’re coming up on year three soon! Thinking about celebrating the anniversary in May instead this year, since we were super-unofficially open on May 27, 2016 for Abby’s birthday. She’s got a bit one coming up (Ssshhhh, she’ll be 60!) and she wants to throw a big bash! It’ll likely be the same as our previous anniversary parties, with an open bar and catered food and party favors and LOTS of cake and decorations! Don’t miss it!

We finally got our first visit from the DOH and are currently “fighting city hall” or somesuch. Whatever the outcome, there will be fines to pay, but at least we saw the inner workings for ourselves!

What else? Well, there’s always new art to see and new boozes to sample. And soon the beautiful back yard will be open again! (Not that it’s ever closed, but the weather will be more cooperative.) We’re planning on some new lights and effects. We can’t wait!

Well, that’s about it…maybe we’ll be back on this page in, like, August! Hah! Keep an eye on our events, as always! Cheers!