Lucky on B

168 Avenue B NY NY 10009 • Noon-4am


We’re usually so busy with our daily social media that we completely forget to update this “News” page. Since news arrives more often than monthly, we doubt anyone misses this! But just in case, here’s some actual NEWS:

We’ve welcomed Paradox, who you all may remember as the DJ for Dark Water Tuesdays, and Minnie Dee, from the recently closed Pink’s. Paradox is your Saturday night barmaid, wrangling the parade of wide-eyed 20-somethings, intrepid Bumble daters, leftover day drinkers and our wonderful Weirdos. Minnie is behind the bar on Thursday nights with her Game Night and gaggle of burners, clubbers, and Bingo players.

We recently added a few new boozes to our selection. You really need to try the 21 Seeds Cucumber Jalapeño Tequila, Dulce Vida Pineapple Jalapeño Tequila and Empress 1908 Gin. We have some fun new fancy cocktails, too! Have a fantastic Summer!


Somehow March flew by so fast that it’s already April! And well into. Sigh. We just can’t keep up! And that long slog from New Year’s Eve to St. Patrick’s Day seems like forever. But now the trees are turning green, the park is an explosion of color, and the temperatures are warming up! Yay! We’ve got all kinds of great stuff coming up on our calendar, including our annual Beltane Celebration, a Spring Clothing Swap, and Delphine’s birthday. Of course, May will be even more exciting as we start our monthly block party with BeatleMinia! Stay tuned to our Events page here for all the details! Happy Spring!


It seems like time has become elastic. Was that thing last week? Last year? Last night? Whenever it was, it was FUN! And this super Spring-like Winter weather has been a HUGE help to bring everyone out into the streets, onto the sidewalks, and into our little oasis! We can almost always expect a handful of our Weirdos, but when there's a steady stream of strangers, we're a bit boggled! Maybe it was this cool little article on about “Best Singles Bars.” A British couple told us the other day: “We Google ‘best bar’ and you came up!” so it’s working! We’ll take it! And thank you,!