So, you didn't get a ticket? Now what? Well, there are all kinds of solutions, ranging from, uh, stay home, to, well, we're gonna tell you!
Find out all about how to volunteer THIS YEAR and get a free ticket. Learn about the global Regional Network and all the events -- official and unofficial -- that happen around the world where you can experience the Burning Man principles without all that DUST! Plus we can help plug you into local camps, art, events, and more!
Lucky is a burner-owned bar where people gather bi-weekly (loosely) to interact on an intimate basis with seasoned burners, enjoy special prices just for you dusty ones (beers as cheap as $4, cocktails for as little as $5), listen to NYC's best jukebox, hang out in a back yard filled with Burning Man art, and otherwise hobnob with your local wizards! We welcome the WEIRD!
Please do not bring in outside beverages, not only because it is super cool to support Lucky but because it is AGAINST THE LAW. Tap water is available for free, so bring in your empty water bottle for a fill up!