Lucky on B

168 Avenue B NY NY 10009 • Noon-4am

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The Persistence of Groovy: Paintings by Reverand Jen

Rev. Jen asks, “What has Trolls, Dragons, Naked Elves, Demonic Sea Monkeys, Presidential Imagery, Joy, Ennui and more? The paintings of Reverend Jen, of course! The Rev.'s most recent hypomanic episode (all of 2019 so far) has led to an outpouring of work that epitomizes the essence of groovy. Come see for yourself at Lucky, a wonderful douche-free East Village watering hole where you are sure to make friends and have fun!”

Lucky has just acquired three of Rev. Jen’s new works. Come see "Fun Pets," a triptych, featuring three panels: "Eager to Please," "Pleased" and "Dead," along with many other new pieces. Bring CASH and help keep this cultural icon artist painting!