DID YOU GET A TICKET? Did your little running man just keep running? Come out and celebrate OR drown your sorrows! Networking with fellow burners is the BEST way to get a ticket if the crazy online sale wasn't a success for you!
Everyone is gearing up for the playa! Camp meetings! Fundraisers! Art projects! Packing lists! One of the things you might want to pack is a tutu for Tutu Tuesday. But do you HAVE one? What about a pair of frilly panties? Or Bo Peep pants? If the answer is NO, then it's time for another frillification of NYC!
Every few years, Abby organizes a giant order of tutus and frilly panties from Sam's Manufacturing. (You can't order from them yourself. They only take bulk orders. But that means we get super reasonable prices!) Check out their web site here: www.samsmfg.com and come to Burning Man Happy Hour with some cash in hand! Place your order! You'll have your frills with plenty of time to pack them! You can contact Abby through Facebook for prices.
Also, Shiny will be here to add feathers or sparkly tinsel to your hair! The "extensions" usually last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months so if yours fall out or you want more/different before you head west. there will be another feathering event scheduled. Which means this is your chance to try them out in time for Alpha!
Oh! And besides all this fancy-nessing, it will be a regular Burning Man Happy Hour! Which means your DPW Barmaid and Lucky proprietrix, Abby, will be serving up the specials: $3 off all draft beers and $4 well drinks ALL NIGHT for you dusty ones! Join us!