In recognition of Lower East Side History Month, Lucky proprietrix Abby Ehmann, aka Editrix Abby, has curated a book of photographs titled "Always Hopeful," from a quote by Dorothy Parker. The book contains shots of Manhattan over a 50-year span, in various stages of disrepair and distress, but "always hopeful."
Join Abby and EVIMA for a photo exhibit of work from the book. These prints and copies of the book will be for sale, with all proceeds to benefit The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. Huge thanks to the artists who graciously donated their work to the project!
This event also serves as the Spring Mixer for EVIMA.
List of contributing photographers:
Romy Ashby
Esther Bubley
Robert Cunningham
Karl Dittebrandt
John Fensten
Susan Fensten
Meredith Jacobson Marciano
Robert McCann
April Palmieri
Lori E. Seid
Barbara Sicuranza
Carole Teller
Toyo Tsuchiya
Edie Winograde
"London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful. Always it believes that something good is about to come off, and it must hurry to meet it." — Dorothy Parker