This week we have so much to celebrate! Friday, "No Spectators," the Burning Man art exhibit, opens at The Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC. The entire gallery is filled with playa art and more sculptures can be found surrounding it on the streets of DC. The Smithsonian, baby!
Also on Friday, Good Friday and Passover happen on the same day! For those of you who are observant, these are two big holy days! In anticipation of all of THAT, Lucky will be celebrating! Sip a free glass of Manischewitz, nibble on some matzoh, dye an Easter egg and use your smartphones to Google the art that'll be on display in DC!
Of course, it will also be your usual Burning Man Happy Hour! Meet up with old friends and new, ask questions or answer them. Find a camp, plot an art project or just sit and watch it all, you know, like a spectator! Guffaw. Silly seasonal specials, 2-4-1 well drinks and draft beers, great music and great friends. DPW barmaid Pinky serves you till 8pm when the lovely Cara takes over. Happy Hour is extended until the last burner leaves!
Photo Credit: FoldHaus, Shrumen Lumen, 2016. Photo by Rene Smith.